Israel Bible Study (IBS)
이스라엘 성경공부 및 세미나 사역
KIBI America 사역중 하나는 왜 이스라엘을 축복해야하며 우리 그리스도인들의 역할이 무엇인지 또 하나님께서는 이 시대에 무엇을 원하고 계시는지에 대해 알리는 것입니다. 이 사역의 목적은 하나님 나라가 이땅에 이루어지기를 소망하며 수천 년 동안 인류 역사 가운데 나타나신 하나님의 뜻을 말씀을 통해 깨달으며 헌신하게 하는데 있습니다.
* 이스라엘 성경공부는 "왜 이스라엘을 축복해야 하는가?" 라는 교재로 5주간 동안 말씀중심으로 역사적 자료등을 가지고 공부하는 과정입니다. Leader들이 가서 도와드릴 수 있고, 사무실로 오신다면 잘 섬겨드리겠습니다.
* 세미나 사역은 아래의 제목등을 가지고 일회당 30분 내지 2 시간 동안 자료를 보여드리며 강의 합니다.
1. 유대인의 왕 메시아 예슈아
2. 축복의 근원 이스라엘
3. 이방인의 때가 차기까지
4. 이스라엘의 회복과 하나님의 열심
5. 다시오시는 왕 예수님과 우리의 역할
Israel Bible Study (IBS)
One of the functions of KIBI America is to increase awareness among Christians as to why we as followers of the Jewish Messiah must bless Israel, what our role is in preparing the road for the Lord’s second coming, and what the Lord desires from our generation in this significant time of history. The purpose of this ministry is to dedicate ourselves in praying for and preparing for the Kingdom of God to be established in the earth. We would like our prayer partners to study and understand the divine will of God revealed in His Word which has been preserved in its integrity by God’s grace for the past several thousands of years.
IBS is an educational program where prayer partners are trained with a book titled “Why Do the Christians Need to Bless the Jewish People?” in the course of 5 weeks. KIBI America has ministry leaders who can facilitate the training program in your area. Anyone who is interested in learning more about this program is also welcome to visit us in our headquarter office in Pasadena, California.
We also hold educational seminars for individuals and groups who want to learn about our ministry. Our seminars usually last about half an hour to 2 hours. Our seminars cover the following topics:
Restoration of Kingdom of God
Restoration and Revival of Israel
The age for Jerusalem is here
Effective Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
Information Science and God’s Judgment
Scientific Understanding of God’s Word
Authors of Good Books
Mission to Palestine and Israe
Please contact us if you are interested in knowing more about KIBI America and our ministries. We will be more than glad to come to you and share our visions with you even if there are only a few interested individuals in your group or church.
Seminar Instructors
Song, Mansuk
Elder, Onnuri Community Church, Seoul, Korea
President, Korea Israel Bible Institute, Seoul
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Math. Ph.D.
Korea Theological Seminary M.Div.
Yonsei University, professor (20yrs.)
Korea Creation Science Research Association (President for 8yrs.)
Song Kim, Harriet
Los Angeles Onnuri Church (Kwonsa)
President of KIBI-America
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Biochemistry, Ph.D.
Seoul National University (hon. Professor)
Korea Creation Science Reserch Association (Founding Member)
Paul In-Sik Kim
Pastor, West Hills Presbyterian Church
Korea University (B.A. in Political Science and Int'l Relations)
Presbyterian Theological Seminary (M.Div.)
Fuller Theological Seminary (Th.M. D.Miss.)
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad
Choi, Chungmoo
University of California, Irvine Professor
Indiana University Ph.D.
Talbot School of Theology (M.Div.)
Choi, Gyungsuk
Ewha Women's University (B.S.)
Baeksuk Theological Seminary,Korea (M.Div.)
Fuller Seminary, Missiology D.Min.
Missionary, KIBI America